Hi! I'm

I graduated high school with an International Baccalaureate diploma. Now, I'm a second year Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo!

Outisde of coding, I really enjoy visual art, music, playing video games, baking, photography, and consuming excess amounts of bubble tea. I also take too many pictures of the sky.

Design is another interest of mine, and making this site was a great way for me to combine that with programming!

Continue scrolling to take a look at what else I've done ~



Python, Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL, C, C++


Django, ReactJS, Bootstrap, Jupyter, Github, Git, Figma


A webapp that analyzes a Spotify user's habits and tastes to calculate a "listening personality". This is a passion project built with React and the Spotify API!

An all-in-one financial analytics and smart portfolio creator as a Discord bot! This was done in Python in a team of 10, for the HackyWinterland2021 hackathon.

A full-stack web application built in a team of 5, with HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React, and Bootstrap (and designed in Figma!). It was created for time management to help users generate a customized schedule.

A simple discord bot made with Python that displays unavailable drinks at Coco locations using webscraping. Made for HackTheNorth2021 with my friend!

This was created for my CFM101 course as a final group project. Made with Python with 2 other classmates, this is a program that generates a safe stock portfolio with a given set of tickers.

A grade 11 summative project. This is a Tetris game made in Python and Pygame that also informs users about various issues regarding e-waste.